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Papers for 12 April 2021
Papers shown here were laid on 25/03/2021. Sometimes the dates of when each Paper was laid can vary.
All statutory instruments laid before the House are accompanied by an Explanatory Memorandum presented by command of Her Majesty, unless otherwise indicated.
Command Papers
Item number
Finance—Treasury Minutes on the Thirty-fifth to the Thirty-ninth Reports of the Committee of Public Accounts. (409)
Item number
Health—Best Start for Life. A Vision for the 1,001 Critical Days. The Early Years Healthy Development Review Report. (419)
Item number
Contingent Liability—Minute dated 22 March from the Department of Health and Social Care concerning the contingent liability arising from an extension of the temporary indemnity for designated care home settings. (—)
Item number
Contingent Liability—Minute from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy concerning the notification of the parameters and contingent liability arising from the Recovery Loan Scheme. (—)
Item number
Local Government —Minute from the Cabinet Office concerning COVID-19 Indemnity for Returning Officers and Counting Officers at Local Government Elections and Referendums. (—)
Item number
Local Government—Local Government Elections and Referendums—Cabinet Office COVID-19 Indemnity. (—)
Negative Instruments
Item number
Education (Coronavirus) (School Teachers' Qualifications, Induction, Inspection Arrangements, Etc) (Amendment) Regulations 2021 (385)
Item number
Vegetable and Ornamental Plant Propagating Material and Fodder Plant Seed (Amendment) Regulations 2021 (393)
Item number
Valuation for Rating (Coronavirus) (England) Regulations 2021 (398)
Papers not subject to Parliamentary Proceedings
Item number
The Government's revised mandate to NHS England and NHS Improvement for 2020–21
Item number
The Government's mandate to NHS England and NHS Improvement for 2021–22
Item number
Policing Inspection Programme and Framework 2020-21
Item number
Report and Financial Statements of Southbank Centre 2019–20
Item number
Workless Households and Educational Attainment Statutory Indicators
Item number
Report on the Troubled Families Programme for 2020-21
Item number
Statement under Section 8, subsection 9 of the Industrial Development Act 1982: Recovery Loan Scheme
Legend for business item text
† Item that is new or altered.
* Item is an oral question.
Numbers starting HL are unique identifiers for written questions, Bills or papers.