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Minutes for 2 March 2022
Select Committee Reports
Item number
Statutory Instruments
The following Report from the Joint Committee was made and ordered to be printed: Draft Agriculture (Lump Sum Payment) (England) Regulations 2022
Draft Food and Feed Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments and Transitional Provisions) Regulations 2022. (26th Report, HL Paper 167)
Item number
Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform
The following Report from the Select Committee was made and ordered to be printed: Draft Legislative Reform (Renewal of National Radio Multiplex Licences) Order 2022
Elections Bill
Down Syndrome Bill
Cultural Objects (Protection from Seizure) Bill
Motor Vehicles (Compulsory Insurance) Bill
Building Safety Bill: Government Response
Comm… Item text truncated - open link to view full item text
Public Business
Item number
Music education in state schools A question was asked by Lord Black of Brentwood and answered by Baroness Barran.
(at 15:07)
Item number
Cryptocurrencies A question was asked by Lord Haskel and answered by Baroness Penn.
(at 15:18)
Item number
Investments: Environmental, Social and Governance criteria A question was asked by Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle and answered by Baroness Penn.
(at 15:28)
Item number
National Farmers' Union A question was asked by the Lord Bishop of Exeter and answered by Lord Benyon.
(at 15:39)
Item number
Coroners (Determination of Suicide) Bill [HL] The order of commitment was discharged.
(at 15:50)
Item number
Cigarette Stick Health Warnings Bill [HL] The order of commitment was discharged.
(at 15:50)
Item number
Onshore Wind Bill [HL] The order of commitment was discharged.
(at 15:51)
Item number
Occupational Pension Schemes (Collective Money Purchase Schemes) Regulations 2022 Baroness Stedman-Scott moved that the draft Regulations laid before the House on 17 January 2022 be approved. The motion was agreed to.
(at 15:51)
Item number
Mesothelioma Lump Sum Payments (Conditions and Amounts) (Amendment) Regulations 2022 Baroness Stedman-Scott moved that the draft Regulations laid before the House on 13 January 2022 be approved. The motion was agreed to en bloc.
(at 15:52)
Item number
Pneumoconiosis etc. (Workers’ Compensation) (Payment of Claims) (Amendment) Regulations 2022 Baroness Stedman-Scott moved that the draft Regulations laid before the House on 13 January 2022 be approved. The motion was agreed to en bloc.
(at 15:52)
Item number
Nationality and Borders Bill The report stage was continued, beginning with amendment 31. Amendment 32 was agreed to (see division 1). Amendment 35 was agreed to (see division 2). Amendment 48 was agreed to (see division 3). Amendment 49 was agreed to (see division 4). Amendment 51 was agreed to (see division 5). The report stage was adjourned.
(at 15:52)
Item number
National Insurance Contributions Bill The bill was returned from the Commons with reasons. The Commons reasons were ordered to be printed. (HL Bill 124)
(at 23:22)
Item number
Building Safety Bill The bill was reported from the Grand Committee with amendments. The bill, as amended, was ordered to be printed. (HL Bill 125)
Item number
Ukraine Lord Sharpe of Epsom answered questions on a statement on Ukraine, made in the House of Commons on Tuesday 1 March. (at 21:00)
Item number
Nationality and Borders Bill The report stage was continued, beginning with amendment 52. Amendment 55 was agreed to (see division 6). Amendment 59 was agreed to (see division 7). Amendment 62 was agreed to (see division 8). The report stage was adjourned after amendment 63.
(at 21:43)
The House adjourned at 11.22pm until Thursday 3 March at 11.00am.
Grand Committee
The Grand Committee met in the Moses Room at 4.15pm.
Building Safety Bill The Grand Committee further considered the bill, beginning with amendment 111. Amendments 133, 137, 138, 139, 140, 142, 143 and 146 were agreed to. It was ordered that the bill be reported with amendments.
(at 16:16)
The Committee adjourned at 8.11pm.
Legend for business item text
† Item that is new or altered.
* Item is an oral question.
Numbers starting HL are unique identifiers for written questions, Bills or papers.