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Minutes for 9 February 2023
Public Business
Item number
Afghanistan: British Council staff A question was asked by Baroness Hussein-Ece and answered by Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon.
(at 11:07)
Item number
Soft power A question was asked by Lord Wallace of Saltaire and answered by Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon.
(at 11:18)
Item number
Maternity services A question was asked by Lord Patel and answered by Lord Markham.
(at 11:29)
Item number
Hospitals: maintenance A question was asked by Baroness Merron and answered by Lord Markham.
(at 11:39)
Item number
Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland: Supreme Court judgment A private notice question was asked by Lord Morrow and answered by Lord Caine.
(at 11:50)
Item number
Omagh bombing Lord Caine answered questions on a statement made in the House of Commons on Thursday 2 February.
(at 12:06)
Item number
Ukraine Baroness Goldie moved that this House takes note of the situation in Ukraine. After debate, the motion was agreed to.
(at 12:39)
Item number
China: Governor of Xinjiang's visit Lord Goldsmith of Richmond Park repeated as a statement the answer given to an Urgent Question asked in the House of Commons.
(at 18:08)
The House adjourned at 6.21pm until Monday 20 February at 2.30pm.
Grand Committee
The Grand Committee met in the Moses Room at 1.00pm.
Climate change: nature-based solutions (STC report) Baroness Brown of Cambridge moved that the Grand Committee takes note of the Report from the Science and Technology Committee Nature-based solutions for climate change: rhetoric or reality? (2nd Report, Session 2021–22, HL Paper 147). After debate, the motion was agreed to.
(at 13:00)
Sport, health and wellbeing national plan (NPSRC report) Lord Moynihan moved that the Grand Committee takes note of the Report from the National Plan for Sport and Recreation Committee A national plan for sport, health and wellbeing (HL Paper 113, Session 2021–22). After debate, the motion was agreed to.
(at 14:50)
The Committee adjourned at 4.55pm.
Legend for business item text
† Item that is new or altered.
* Item is an oral question.
Numbers starting HL are unique identifiers for written questions, Bills or papers.