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Questions for Written Answer for 25 April 2019
Tabled on 24 April 2019 and due for answer by 9 May 2019.
Lord Alton of Liverpool to ask Her Majesty's Government, following the remarks of the Prime Minister of Pakistan on 10 April that Asia Bibi would be leaving Pakistan very soon but that there was a complication, what clarification they have sought from the government of Pakistan about (1) what is complicating her departure from Pakistan, and (2) measures to expedite her departure. … Item text truncated - open link to view full item text
Lord Alton of Liverpool to ask Her Majesty's Government what representations they have made to the government of Mexico about ensuring that teachers and school administrators at all state schools are trained in freedom of religion and belief; and whether they will encourage that government to put in place mechanisms to (1) respond swiftly to cases of forced displacement on account… Item text truncated - open link to view full item text
Lord Alton of Liverpool to ask Her Majesty's Government what steps they are taking to (1) assist the government of Sri Lanka in the aftermath of the Easter Sunday killings, (2) establish who funded and armed the perpetrators, and (3) provide support to bring those responsible to justice. HL15289
Lord Alton of Liverpool to ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the recent killings in Nigeria, in particular the attacks in (1) Nassarawa State, (2) Benue State, (3) Kaduna State, and (4) Gombe. HL15290
Lord Alton of Liverpool to ask Her Majesty's Government what discussions they have had with the government of Sri Lanka in the last six months about concerns in relation to freedom of religion or belief. HL15317
Lord Alton of Liverpool to ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of freedom of religion or belief in Sri Lanka. HL15318
Lord Berkeley to ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Baroness Sugg on 10 April (HL14857), whether the proposed height of station platforms above rail for dedicated HS2 train platforms complies with the EU Technical Standards for Interoperability; and if not, whether the Department for Transport has (1) applied for, and (2) received, a derogation for non-… Item text truncated - open link to view full item text
Lord Berkeley to ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Lord Bourne of Aberystwyth on 10 April (HL14931), why the Duchy of Cornwall was not approached as a property developer to sign the Public Pledge for Leaseholders. HL15277
Lord Birt to ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Baroness Williams of Trafford on 8 April (HL15089), whether organised acquisitive crime in rural areas is rising. HL15323
Lord Browne of Ladyton to ask Her Majesty's Government whether they have a comprehensive cyber security assessment procedure for proposed weapon systems that operate at a high level of complexity. HL15332
Lord Browne of Ladyton to ask Her Majesty's Government what representations they have received about the Ministry of Defence's definition of an autonomous weapons system since the publication of the report of the House of Lords Artificial Intelligence Committee AI in the UK: Ready, Willing and Able on 16 April 2018. HL15333
Lord Browne of Ladyton to ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made, if any, of the relationship between increasing autonomy in weapons systems and cyber security. HL15334
Lord Browne of Ladyton to ask Her Majesty's Government what meetings, if any, ministers and special advisers have held on autonomy in weapons systems during the last year. HL15335
Lord Chadlington to ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of reports that female gambling addicts now outnumber male gambling addicts in Sweden; and what plans they have to re-evaluate and expand the policy evidence base in the UK in respect of the gender makeup of gambling addicts. HL15276
Lord Dobbs to ask Her Majesty's Government what discussions they have had with the Metropolitan Police Service about (1) the cost of policing, and (2) the number of Metropolitan police officers deployed at, the Brexit demonstrations outside Parliament. HL15281
Lord Greaves to ask Her Majesty's Government whether they anticipate glyphosate to continue to be available for treating Japanese knotweed; and if not, what steps they are taking to ensure that effective alternatives are available. HL15287
Lord Greaves to ask Her Majesty's Government what priority they give to at least one of the shortlisted bidders for the West Coast rail franchise being a British company; and what steps, if any, they have taken to achieve this. HL15291
Lord Greaves to ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the likelihood of all the rail franchises in England and Wales being held by companies owned and controlled in other countries; and whether they consider such a situation to be desirable. HL15292
Lord Greaves to ask Her Majesty's Government what proportion of rail franchises currently in operation are held, in whole or in part, by companies wholly or partly owned by foreign governments; and what percentage of total ownership of rail franchises this represents. HL15294
Lord Greaves to ask Her Majesty's Government how the UK leaving the EU will change the rights, responsibilities and status of European citizens resident in the UK with granted settled status. HL15295
Baroness Hamwee to ask Her Majesty's Government what information leaflets they publish about female genital mutilation; and whether any of these are in an easy read format for people with limited literacy. HL15275
Lord Hodgson of Astley Abbotts to ask Her Majesty's Government when they expect the report of the Investigatory Powers Commissioner's consultation on the Consolidated Guidance to Intelligence Officers and Service Personnel on the Detention and Interviewing of Detainees Overseas, and on the Passing and Receipt of Intelligence Relating to Detainees to be published. HL15303
Lord Jones of Cheltenham to ask Her Majesty's Government whether they intend to impose sanctions on Saudi Arabia in response to the torture and execution of 37 citizens; and if they intend to take no action, why not. HL15320
Lord Jones of Cheltenham to ask Her Majesty's Government what progress has been made towards agreeing a new trade agreement with Kiribati. HL15321
Lord Jones of Cheltenham to ask Her Majesty's Government what progress has been made towards agreeing a new trade agreement with Indonesia. HL15322
The Lord Bishop of Leeds to ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the prevalence of forced labour exploitation in the hand car wash sector in England and Wales. HL15278
The Lord Bishop of Leeds to ask Her Majesty's Government what steps they are taking to address forced labour exploitation in the hand car wash sector. HL15279
The Lord Bishop of Leeds to ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the findings of the report by the University of Nottingham Rights Lab Safe Car Wash App Report, published on 7 April. HL15280
The Marquess of Lothian to ask Her Majesty's Government what action they are taking with international partners to help contain the current outbreak of Ebola in the North Kivu and Ituri provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. HL15326
The Marquess of Lothian to ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the potential impact of the Counter-Terrorism and Border Security Act 2019 on the delivery of UK aid assistance, in particular medical and healthcare aid to Idlib, and to conflict zones more generally. HL15327
The Marquess of Lothian to ask Her Majesty's Government what information they have in regard to the international sources of funding to Libyan warlord Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar; and in particular whether he is receiving financing from Saudi Arabia. HL15328
The Marquess of Lothian to ask Her Majesty's Government what discussions they have had with the government of the United States in regard to reports that the United States Agency for International Development is preparing to reduce the size of its West Bank and Gaza mission and to lay off many of its local employees; and what impact this will have on international efforts to build… Item text truncated - open link to view full item text
The Marquess of Lothian to ask Her Majesty's Government what is the minimum age at which children have the legal right to access their own medical records and to allow or prevent access by others, including their parents; and at what age parents can no longer access their child’s medical records without that child’s written consent. HL15330
The Marquess of Lothian to ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the United States' draft resolution at the United Nations, as announced by United States Vice-President Mike Pence on 10 April, to revoke the UN credentials of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro’s government and to recognise Juan Guaido as the country’s legitimate leader. HL15331
Baroness Masham of Ilton to ask Her Majesty's Government whether private hospitals in England are required to provide safety records to the Care Quality Commission to protect patients as provided by the NHS. HL15302
Lord Myners to ask Her Majesty's Government whether they have had any discussions with British Steel or its owners Greybull Capital in connection with the sale by British Steel of its carbon credits; and whether they propose to lend money to those parties or otherwise provide funding. HL15282
Lord Myners to ask Her Majesty's Government when they last talked with Greybull Capital about it contributing to the costs incurred by the Government in repatriating Monarch passengers after the airline collapsed. HL15283
Lord Myners to ask Her Majesty's Government whether they intend to commission a review of the use of Company Voluntary Arrangements (CVAs), in particular to consider whether CVAs are used in good faith by landlords who have weakened the lessor covenant through previous payments of high dividends or capital distributions. HL15286
Lord Myners to ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Baroness Sugg on 12 March (HL14267), whether the contribution promised by Greybull to meet part of the cost incurred by taxpayers in repatriating customers of Monarch Airlines is dependent on the completion of the administration of the Monarch group of companies; and when ministers last met Greybull in c… Item text truncated - open link to view full item text
Lord Myners to ask Her Majesty's Government whether they, or the Financial Conduct Authority, are investigating the activities of Asset Life and the suitability of its directors. HL15308
Lord Ouseley to ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Lord Young of Cookham on 23 April (HL15116), what well-evidenced assessment they made when deciding to outsource public service provision to Interserve; and what assessment has been made of the quality and reliability of its provision. HL15311
Lord Pendry to ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the report by Sport England Active Lives Adult Survey November 17/18 published on 11 April; and what steps they are taking to promote physical activity for (1) women, and (2) those from low income, black and South Asian backgrounds. HL15315
Lord Roberts of Llandudno to ask Her Majesty's Government what is the cost of (1) imprisoning a person under the Vagrancy Act 1824, and (2) subsidising the provision of a hostel bed. HL15296
Lord Roberts of Llandudno to ask Her Majesty's Government how many people have been arrested under the provisions of the Vagrancy Act 1824 since 1989. HL15297
Lord Roberts of Llandudno to ask Her Majesty's Government how many people were serving a period of imprisonment under the provisions of the Vagrancy Act 1824 in (1) 1989, (2) 2000, (3) 2010, (4) 2015, and (5) 2017. HL15298
Lord Roberts of Llandudno to ask Her Majesty's Government how many rough sleepers died on the streets in (1) 1989, (2) 2000, (3) 2010, and (4) 2015. HL15299
Lord Roberts of Llandudno to ask Her Majesty's Government what guarantees, if any, they have made of the healthcare benefits available to British citizens residing in EU countries post-Brexit. HL15300
Lord Roberts of Llandudno to ask Her Majesty's Government what steps they are taking to support any British citizen returning to live in the UK following the UK's departure from the EU. HL15301
Lord Russell of Liverpool to ask Her Majesty's Government what impact the Adoption Support Fund has had on rates of adoption disruption since its inception in 2015. HL15284
Lord Russell of Liverpool to ask Her Majesty's Government what support regional adoption agencies will provide for adoptive families from 2020 onwards. HL15285
The Lord Bishop of St Albans to ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Baroness Williams of Trafford on 3 April (HL14707), whether the Home Office provides any particular guidance to police officers in relation to freedom of speech and street preachers; whether police officers receive training on religious literacy; and if so, whether any such training is m… Item text truncated - open link to view full item text
The Earl of Sandwich to ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of events in Sudan since the recent army coup; and what action they have taken in response to that coup, in particular to encourage the formation of a new provisional government which represents opposition parties and civil society. HL15324
The Earl of Sandwich to ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the World Bank’s new emphasis on the private sector, in particular, whether it has encouraged large-scale industrial farming for palm oil and other commodities at the expense of the environment and local farm livelihoods; and what proposals they have made, if any, to redress this trend. HL15325
Lord Scriven to ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by the Minister of State for Asia and the Pacific on 3 April (HC237139), what are the objectives of the Integrated Activity Fund. HL15271
Lord Scriven to ask Her Majesty's Government how much they contributed to the Great Exhibition of the North. HL15304
Lord Scriven to ask Her Majesty's Government how the chair of the Great Exhibition of the North was appointed; and who made the final decision on that appointment. HL15305
Lord Scriven to ask Her Majesty's Government whether one of their representatives sat on the Board of the Great Exhibition of the North; and if so, who. HL15306
Lord Scriven to ask Her Majesty's Government what remuneration the chair of the Great Exhibition of the North received for that role; and how much was claimed in expenses by the chair. HL15307
Lord Scriven to ask Her Majesty's Government how many people in the Yorkshire Region are waiting for an appeal hearing for their Personal Independence Payment claims. HL15319
Baroness Tonge to ask Her Majesty's Government what estimate, if any, they have made of the prevalence of medical detentions after childbirth complications in hospitals in countries that receive UK Official Development Assistance. HL15312
Baroness Tonge to ask Her Majesty's Government what discussions, if any, they have had with countries which receive UK Official Development Assistance about women and girls being held in medical detention due to their inability to pay medical bills relating to childbirth complications; and whether they encourage such countries, in such discussions, to release such women and girls.… Item text truncated - open link to view full item text
Baroness Tonge to ask Her Majesty's Government whether they support work in countries which receive UK Official Development Assistance to release women and girls from being held in medical detention due to their inability to pay medical bills after childbirth complications. HL15314
Baroness Tonge to ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Baroness Blackwood of North Oxford on 8 April (HL14988), what proportion, if any, of the £3 billion ring-fenced public health funding local authorities must spend on sexual health services. HL15316
Lord Willoughby de Broke to ask Her Majesty's Government what is the legal basis for the withdrawal at one day’s notice by Natural England of the general licences for bird control. HL15309
Lord Willoughby de Broke to ask Her Majesty's Government why they have permitted Natural England to revoke general bird control licences before the result of any legal challenge to these licences is known. HL15310
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† Item that is new or altered.
* Item is an oral question.
Numbers starting HL are unique identifiers for written questions, Bills or papers.