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Questions for Written Answer for 8 March 2021

Tabled on 4 March 2021 and due for answer by 18 March 2021.

Earl Attlee to ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Baroness Goldie on 4 March (HL13345), on which occasions in the last 20 years the British Army has deployed a largely fully formed and supported brigade for manoeuvre and deployment training; and when they expect that a similar scale of exercise will be conducted in order (1) to test the UK's ability and… Item text truncated - open link to view full item text
Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle to ask Her Majesty's Government what methodology they intend to use to analyse responses to the consultation by the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs The regulation of genetic technologies which opened on 7 January; and what steps they are taking to ensure that responses received using non-technical language are taken into… Item text truncated - open link to view full item text
Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle to ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment was made of the content of the Gene editing explainer, published in January, prior to its publication as a supporting document for the consultation by the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs The regulation of genetic technologies which opened on 7 January.  HL13888
Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle to ask Her Majesty's Government what discussions they have had with (1) the Scottish, and (2) the Welsh, Government about the impact of any changes to the regulation of genetic engineering in food and farming in England on the maintenance of existing regulations relating to genetic modification in those countries; and what assessment they have made… Item text truncated - open link to view full item text
Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle to ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the compatibility of any changes to the regulation of genetic engineering in food and farming in England with the UK–EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement.  HL13890
Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle to ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of plans to expand Leeds Bradford airport in view of the recommendation in the report by the Committee on Climate Change The Sixth Carbon Budget: Aviation, published in December 2020, that "there should be no net expansion of UK airport capacity unless the sector is on track to… Item text truncated - open link to view full item text
Baroness Bennett of Manor Castle to ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the report by Dr Susan Willis Chan and Dr Nigel Raine Population decline in a ground-nesting solitary squash bee (Eucera pruinosa) following exposure to a neonicotinoid insecticide treated crop (Cucurbita pepo), published in February 2021; and what plans they have (1) to tak… Item text truncated - open link to view full item text
Lord Bradley to ask Her Majesty's Government how many equality impact assessments undertaken in the Home Office since January 2019 identified the possibility of indirect discrimination on the basis of any of the protected characteristics defined by law; and in relation to any such assessments, on how many occasions they (1) altered the policy proposal, (2) decided not to proceed w… Item text truncated - open link to view full item text
Baroness Donaghy to ask Her Majesty's Government how they will ensure (1) the financial sustainability of the Initial Teacher Training (ITT) providers, and (2) their ability to engage in long-term planning will not be jeopardised by the outcome of the ITT market review.  HL13894
Baroness Donaghy to ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the completion of the Initial Teacher Training (ITT) market review, to confirm whether ITT providers will continue to be able to equip student teachers to (1) critique, (2) question, and (3) contextualise evidence and research relating to children's education and learning.  HL13895
Baroness Donaghy to ask Her Majesty's Government what process will be followed in (1) granting the Institute for Teaching degree awarding powers, and (2) enabling the Institute for Teaching to validate academic awards delivered by other bodies.  HL13896
Lord Empey to ask Her Majesty's Government why tariffs are not charged on completed diesel generator sets imported into the UK from ‘most favoured nations’ when some of the components that are required to manufacture such sets in the UK are subject to tariffs.  HL13897
Lord Foster of Bath to ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Lord Callanan on 10 February (HL12638), what assessment they have made of clauses 2(1) and 2(2) of the Domestic Premises (Energy Performance) Bill [HL].  HL13898
Lord Greaves to ask Her Majesty's Government what is their most recent assessment of (1) the contribution that the Bowland Shale Formation can make to meeting the energy requirements of the UK, and (2) the proportion of such requirements during the next 10 years that will be met by shale gas fracking.  HL13899
Lord Greaves to ask Her Majesty's Government whether they will issue new exploration licences for the potential extraction of gas by fracking, and what advice they provide to the holders of existing exploration licences.  HL13900
Lord Greaves to ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of (1) Transport for the North’s “preferred route” for Northern Powerhouse Rail, (2) how that route was chosen, and (3) whether the route can be built with the previously announced funding estimate of £42 billion.  HL13901
Lord Greaves to ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the number of proposals for rail network improvements in Lancashire and Cumbria in Transport for the North’s plan for Northern Powerhouse Rail.  HL13902
Lord Greaves to ask Her Majesty's Government what plans they have to phase out diesel traction passenger trains in the North of England.  HL13903
Lord Greaves to ask Her Majesty's Government how much of the £1 billion Towns Fund announced in the Budget 2021, published on 3 March, each English region will receive, and how much of the £1 billion Stronger Towns Fund, launched on 4 March 2019, each English region received.  HL13904
Lord Green of Deddington to ask Her Majesty's Government how many asylum claims in (1) January, (2) February, and (3) to date in March, 2021, have been treated as inadmissible on the basis that the claimant was judged to have travelled through or have a connection to a safe third country; and which those countries were.  HL13905
Lord Hylton to ask Her Majesty's Government when they intend to publish their response to the List of Issues for the combined 6th and 7th reports under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.  HL13906
Lord Hylton to ask Her Majesty's Government whether they intend to strengthen the National Referral Mechanism for identifying and referring potential victims of modern slavery; and if so, how.  HL13907
Lord Hylton to ask Her Majesty's Government what steps they have taken to provide assistance to Palestinian refugees in poverty in Syria.  HL13908
Lord Hylton to ask Her Majesty's Government what steps they are taking, if any, to work with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees to support (1) distance learning for refugee children, and (2) families in economic hardship in Lebanon.  HL13909
Baroness Jones of Whitchurch to ask Her Majesty's Government whether the Interim Office of Environmental Protection will be able to receive complaints and issue provisional decisions in advance of its statutory empowerment.  HL13910
Baroness Jones of Whitchurch to ask Her Majesty's Government what steps they are taking in response to the report by Amanda Blanc Independent Review of Flood Insurance in Doncaster, published on 14 April 2020, which found that flood risk insurance is not available to households that need it most.  HL13911
Baroness Jones of Whitchurch to ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the report by the Dogs Trust Puppy Smuggling, published on 4 December 2020; and what steps they are taking to address the illegal trade in puppies.  HL13912
Baroness Kennedy of The Shaws to ask Her Majesty's Government how many people have had assets frozen in the UK in the last five years; how many of those had assets frozen due to possible involvement with Islamic State; how many such cases have involved legal challenge by the individuals affected; and in how many such cases was the decision to freeze assets upheld.  HL13913
Baroness Lister of Burtersett to ask Her Majesty's Government what steps they have taken to meet their obligation under the Public Sector Equality Duty to have due regard to the impact of the 2021 Budget, published on 3 March, on equality; and whether they intend to publish an equality impact assessment of the 2021 Budget.  HL13914
The Marquess of Lothian to ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the postponement of presidential elections in Somalia, what assessment they have made of the (1) political, and (2) security, situation in that country.  HL13915
The Marquess of Lothian to ask Her Majesty's Government why they are reducing the amount of humanitarian aid provided to Yemen.  HL13916
The Marquess of Lothian to ask Her Majesty's Government what steps they are taking to improve security co-operation with the EU.  HL13917
The Marquess of Lothian to ask Her Majesty's Government what contingency planning they undertook between August 2020 and January 2021 to prepare for the possibility that A-Level and GCSE examinations might be cancelled in 2021.  HL13918
The Marquess of Lothian to ask Her Majesty's Government what steps they are taking to improve the application process for licences from the Environment Agency to collect and transport waste in order to prevent illegal fly-tipping.  HL13919
The Marquess of Lothian to ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the request of sanctuary in the UK from the eight Iraqi interpreters employed by TBW Global to interpret for UK forces at Camp Taji; and what steps they are taking to support those interpreters.  HL13920
Lord Mendelsohn to ask Her Majesty's Government what measures they plan to take to protect immunocompromised, clinically extremely vulnerable people if research evidence demonstrates that COVID-19 vaccines are less effective for those people.  HL13921
Lord Mendelsohn to ask Her Majesty's Government what plans they have to publish (1) daily, and (2) weekly, data on COVID-19 vaccinations for clinically extremely vulnerable people.  HL13922
Lord Mendelsohn to ask Her Majesty's Government what plans they have to monitor the effectiveness of vaccines at preventing transmission of COVID-19, and when they expect to be able to assess whether vaccines are preventing transmission.  HL13923
Lord Mendelsohn to ask Her Majesty's Government when they expect to be able to assess whether the delay between doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine will have an effect on immunosuppressed people.  HL13924
Lord Mendelsohn to ask Her Majesty's Government what plans they have to extend (1) shielding, and (2) financial support, for immunosuppressed clinically extremely vulnerable people while research into the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines is carried out.  HL13925
Baroness Miller of Chilthorne Domer to ask Her Majesty's Government what reciprocal arrangements are in place between the UK and each EU member state with regard to driving licences.  HL13926
Baroness Miller of Chilthorne Domer to ask Her Majesty's Government what plans they have for the DVLA to be able to grant an extension to UK drivers' licences that are due to expire, where there are no reciprocal arrangements regarding driving licences with EU member states.  HL13927
Baroness Miller of Chilthorne Domer to ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Baroness Vere of Norbiton on 2 March (HL13474), whether they (1) know, or (2) have estimated the number of UK nationals living in France who have been left without a valid driving licence since the end of the transition period for the UK's departure from the EU; and what assessmen… Item text truncated - open link to view full item text
Lord Pickles to ask Her Majesty's Government (1) what criteria informed the decision to direct £16 million of UK aid to improving educational links with Iran between 2013 and 2017, (2) what projects the grants were used on, (3) how the projects were monitored, and (4) what plans they have to publish the results of such monitoring.  HL13929
The Lord Bishop of St Albans to ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the difference in funding per head for police services in (1) urban, and (2) rural, areas; and what steps they are taking to reduce any such difference.  HL13930
The Lord Bishop of St Albans to ask Her Majesty's Government what plans they have (1) to encourage tourism in rural areas, and (2) to revitalise local rural economies.  HL13931
The Lord Bishop of St Albans to ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the impact of the landfill tax on the level of illegal waste disposals.  HL13932
The Lord Bishop of St Albans to ask Her Majesty's Government, further to their revised target to reach a "minimum of 85 per cent gigabit broadband coverage by 2025", as set out in the National Infrastructure Strategy, published in November 2020, whether they still intend to use an "outside-in approach" to support full-fibre rollout.  HL13933
The Lord Bishop of St Albans to ask Her Majesty's Government what plans they have to include consideration of issues relating to gambling harm in the professional sports community in the development of the cross-Government addiction strategy.  HL13934
The Lord Bishop of St Albans to ask Her Majesty's Government what plans they have to undertake a longitudinal study to consider the impact of exposure to gambling advertising from an early age.  HL13935
The Lord Bishop of Salisbury to ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of (1) the progress of the peace process in South Sudan, and (2) the contribution made by the South Sudan Council of Churches’ Action Plan for Peace to that process.  HL13936
The Lord Bishop of Salisbury to ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the impact of the reduction in overseas aid, in particular the funding provided through the Conflict Security and Stability Fund, on (1) the peace process in South Sudan, and (2) the contribution made by the South Sudan Council of Churches’ Action Plan for Peace to that process.… Item text truncated - open link to view full item text
The Lord Bishop of Salisbury to ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of efforts to reduce maternal and under-five mortality rates in South Sudan; and what plans they have, if any, to reduce the level of funding provision to the South Sudan Health Pooled Fund.  HL13938
Lord Sharkey to ask the Parliamentary Works Sponsor Body (1) what plans they have to publish all submissions to the review of the Restoration and Renewal Programme received from Members of both Houses of Parliament and those outside Parliament, (2) if they have such plans, when they will publish those submissions, and (3) if they have no such plans, why not.  HL13939
Lord Smith of Hindhead to ask Her Majesty's Government, further to the introduction of rules by the Betting and Gaming Council aimed at preventing football clubs using social media to promote gambling, what plans they have to ensure other forms of potentially harmful advertising are addressed.  HL13940
Baroness Suttie to ask Her Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of (1) the public health impact and (2) the role of UK funding in Product Development Partnerships over the last ten years in tackling poverty-associated diseases such as Tuberculosis.  HL13941
Baroness Suttie to ask Her Majesty's Government what plans they have to disburse funding to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, according to the original schedule agreed to by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office.  HL13942
Lord Walney to ask Her Majesty's Government (1) what plans they have to ensure research is conducted into the efficacy of each COVID-19 vaccine for those with blood cancer, and (2) what the timeline will be for any such research.  HL13943
Lord Watson of Invergowrie to ask Her Majesty's Government when they expect to publish the outcome of their review of the support available to young people with special educational needs and disabilities, announced in September 2019.  HL13944
Lord Watson of Invergowrie to ask Her Majesty's Government what plans they have to permit the Open University to offer initial teacher training courses.  HL13945
Lord Watson of Invergowrie to ask Her Majesty's Government what progress they have made on their consultation on elective home education.  HL13946
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* Item is an oral question.
Numbers starting HL are unique identifiers for written questions, Bills or papers.