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House of Lords Business

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Questions for Written Answer for 21 November 2022

Tabled on 18 November 2022 and due for answer by 2 December 2022.

The Earl of Caithness to ask His Majesty's Government what advice they are giving to those who wish to feed birds in the coming winter and spring seasons to minimise the risk of transmission of avian influenza from bird feeders.  HL3534
Lord Clement-Jones to ask His Majesty's Government how patients can dissent from the secondary use of their patient data within the Federated Data Platform, including pursuant to rights under (1) the National Data Opt-Out, and (2) the Data Protection Act 2018 (incorporating the UK General Data Protection Regulation).  HL3535
Lord Clement-Jones to ask His Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of NHS England’s announcement that Shared Care Records will be incorporated into its Federated Data Platform.  HL3536
Lord Clement-Jones to ask His Majesty's Government whether the report by the Information Commissioner's Office, Anonymisation: managing data protection risk code of practice, published in November 2012, (1) is still a statutory code of practice, and (2) if anonymising data only in line with the 2012 code, removes all of a data controller’s obligations under the Data Prote… Item text truncated - open link to view full item text
The Lord Bishop of Guildford to ask His Majesty's Government what strategy they have, if any, for promoting freedom of religion or belief in Pakistan; and what discussions they have held with the government of Pakistan in pursuing any such strategy.  HL3538
Baroness Hodgson of Abinger to ask His Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the Women in Prison report The value of Women's Centres, published in September.  HL3539
Baroness Hodgson of Abinger to ask His Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of whether investing in women’s centres (1) gives a good return on the investment, (2) offers better value and outcomes, and (3) reduces reoffending rates, by comparison with sending women to prison.  HL3540
Baroness Hodgson of Abinger to ask His Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of whether more funding for women’s centres could be achieved by a cross departmental fund; and what plans they have, if any, to introduce such a fund.  HL3541
Baroness Hoey to ask His Majesty's Government what plans they have, if any, to prevent migrants coming to the UK illegally by travelling from the Republic of Ireland and then to mainland Great Britain.  HL3542
Baroness Hoey to ask His Majesty's Government when they last met the government of Ireland to discuss co-operation on defence of Irish air space.  HL3543
Baroness Hoey to ask His Majesty's Government when they expect the BBC Member for Northern Ireland to be appointed to the BBC Board.  HL3544
Baroness Hoey to ask His Majesty's Government what discussions they have held with the government of Ireland concerning the number of illegal migrants who have travelled via ferry from France to Dublin, and then travelled by bus to Northern Ireland followed by travel by ferry to Great Britain; and in any such discussions, whether the number of migrants taking this route in each of… Item text truncated - open link to view full item text
Lord Howard of Rising to ask His Majesty's Government, with reference to the legal opinion by Lord Pannick published by the Government on 2 September relating to the House of Commons Privileges Committee, whether any supplementary opinion has been provided to the Government by Lord Pannick.  HL3546
Lord Howard of Rising to ask His Majesty's Government, with reference to the legal opinion by Lord Pannick published by the Government on 2 September relating to the House of Commons Privileges Committee, what plans they have, if any, to publish any second or supplementary opinion by Lord Pannick.  HL3547
Lord Hunt of Kings Heath to ask His Majesty's Government what provisions they have made to enable patients to dissent from the secondary use of their patient data within the Federated Data Platform, including pursuant to rights under (1) the National Data Opt-Out, and (2) the Data Protection Act 2018, incorporating the UK General Data Protection Regulation.  HL3548
Lord Hunt of Kings Heath to ask His Majesty's Government, further to reports on 13 November that Shared Care Record systems will be moved into the proposed Federated Data Platform without the seeking of further patient consent, what assessment they have made of (1) the Summary Care Record system, (2) the implications for this System of the proposed moves.  HL3549
Lord Hunt of Kings Heath to ask His Majesty's Government on what statutory basis NHS Digital has made the judgment that individual level pseudonymised data is not personal data.  HL3550
Lord Hunt of Kings Heath to ask His Majesty's Government what plans they have to publish the letter sent from the National Data Guardian to NHS Integrated Care Systems and Senior Information Risk Owners on 1 November (NDG reference 299/1541); and whether they will place a copy of this letter in the Library of the House.  HL3551
Lord Hylton to ask His Majesty's Government what is their assessment of the results of existing initiatives to deter irregular Channel crossings; and in any such assessment, what consideration they have given to alternative approaches whereby potential asylum seekers have their asylum applications considered before arrival in the UK.  HL3552
Baroness Kennedy of Cradley to ask His Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the number of deaths from liver disease since the COVID-19 pandemic.  HL3553
Baroness Kennedy of Cradley to ask His Majesty's Government when they expect new nuclear power generating capacity to come online in the UK.  HL3554
Baroness Kennedy of Cradley to ask His Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the compostability of plastics certified as home compostable.  HL3555
Baroness Kennedy of Cradley to ask His Majesty's Government what work they are undertaking, if any, on converting carbon dioxide and hydrogen into methanol.  HL3556
Baroness Kennedy of Cradley to ask His Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of (1) the spread of Anopheles stephensi mosquito in Africa, and (2) the challenges posed for people’s health.  HL3557
Baroness Kennedy of Cradley to ask His Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the number of cases of type 2 diabetes since the COVID-19 pandemic.  HL3558
Lord Kennedy of Southwark to ask His Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the (1) operation, (2) benefits, and (3) risks, of (a) Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), and (b) the wider blockchain.  HL3559
Lord Kennedy of Southwark to ask His Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the value to (1) individuals, and (2) families, of pro bono legal work undertaken by lawyers.  HL3560
Lord Lipsey to ask His Majesty's Government what is the estimated overall contribution of licensed greyhound racing to HM Treasury in the latest available year; and in the two years before that, what is the estimated taxation revenue received through (1) bookmakers who offer bets on greyhound racing, and (2) directly from greyhound racing.  HL3561
Lord McColl of Dulwich to ask His Majesty's Government what is their general advice for (1) how much fat, and (2) what kind of fat, they recommend people eat; and what assessment they have made of the effect of exercise to weight reduction by comparison with reducing the number of calories in the diet.  HL3562
Lord McNicol of West Kilbride to ask His Majesty's Government what assessment they have made of the outcome of COP27; and what plans they have, if any, to address the issues raised at the conference.  HL3563
Lord Macpherson of Earl's Court to ask His Majesty's Government what is their policy on the use of Latin on the coinage.  HL3564
Lord Patten to ask His Majesty's Government what assessment they have made, if any, of (1) the work of the charity Hourglass, and (2) its helpline for older people.  HL3565
Lord Rooker to ask His Majesty's Government what is the prevalence of births affected by neural tube defects in the UK; and what assessment they have made, if any, of how this figure compares with equivalent figures in other OECD member states.  HL3566
Lord Rooker to ask His Majesty's Government how many pregnancies affected by neural tube defects were second or subsequent pregnancies, in each of the last five years.  HL3567
Lord Truscott to ask His Majesty's Government what are the maximum hourly rates for NHS (1) agency consultants, (2) doctors, and (3) nurses.  HL3568
Lord Tyrie to ask His Majesty's Government, further to the Written Answer by Baroness Penn on 28 March (HL7077), whether they will describe the risks that they have assessed regarding their decision not to publish the Asset Purchase Facility deed indemnity; and which of these risks would “not advance the public’s understanding" of the arrangement by which HM Treasury indemnifies t… Item text truncated - open link to view full item text
Lord Watson of Invergowrie to ask His Majesty's Government how many children were eligible for Pupil Premium in (1) 2020–21, (2) 2021–22, and (3) the current academic year.  HL3570
Lord Watson of Invergowrie to ask His Majesty's Government how many 18 to 24 year olds started a course at (1) Level 4, and (2) Level 5, in (a) 2019, and (b) 2022.  HL3571
Lord Watson of Invergowrie to ask His Majesty's Government when they will issue their response to the Independent Review of Children's Social Care, published in May.  HL3572
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Item that is new or altered.
* Item is an oral question.
Numbers starting HL are unique identifiers for written questions, Bills or papers.