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House of Lords Journal

The Journal is the formal and authoritative summary record of the proceedings of the House of Lords. Each Journal contains the attendance, minutes (including voting lists) and papers, along with some committee reports, for every day the House sat during a parliamentary session. Each sessional volume is indexed.

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Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
27 June 2011 28 June 2011 29 June 2011 30 June 2011 1 July 2011 2 July 2011 3 July 2011
4 July 2011 5 July 2011 6 July 2011 7 July 2011 8 July 2011 9 July 2011 10 July 2011
11 July 2011 12 July 2011 13 July 2011 14 July 2011 15 July 2011 16 July 2011 17 July 2011
18 July 2011 19 July 2011 20 July 2011 21 July 2011 22 July 2011 23 July 2011 24 July 2011
25 July 2011 26 July 2011 27 July 2011 28 July 2011 29 July 2011 30 July 2011 31 July 2011
Legend for calendar days
Indicator for a House of Lords sitting day
Indicator for the Selected day
Indicator for a Weekend

Journal for 19 July 2011

There are no appendices to show for this date.