Session 2010-12 Volume 244
Journal for 6 September 2011
Prayers were read by the Lord Bishop of Wakefield.
Select Committee Report
1 Human Rights
The following Report from the Joint Committee was made and ordered to be printed:
The Terrorism Act 2000 (Remedial) Order 2011: Stop and Search without Reasonable Suspicion (Second Report). (17th Report, HL Paper 192)
Public Business
2 Economy: deficit reduction A question was asked by Lord Barnett and answered by Lord Sassoon.
3 Transparency International: corruption perceptions index A question was asked by Lord Harrison and answered by Lord McNally.
4 Cohabiting: Law Commission report A question was asked by Lord Marks of Henley-on-Thames and answered by Lord McNally.
5 Public disorder: social networking sites A question was asked by Baroness Miller of Chilthorne Domer and answered by Baroness Browning.
6 Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures Bill A bill to abolish control orders and make provision for the imposition of terrorism prevention and investigation measures was brought from the Commons. It was read a first time and ordered to be printed. (HL Bill 91)
7 Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures Bill The Explanatory Notes on the bill were ordered to be printed. (HL Bill 91–EN)
8 Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) Regulations 2011 Baroness Verma moved that the draft Order laid before the House on 27 June be approved. Then Lord Waddington moved, as an amendment to the original motion, to insert at the end "but that this House regrets that the Regulations seem likely to reinforce the failure of equality law to take proper account of freedom of religion and conscience; and notes that the Regulations appear to burden further the public sector with unnecessary bureaucracy and target-setting and will in effect promote equality of outcomes rather than equality of opportunity." After debate, the amendment was disagreed to (see division list 1). Then Lord Low of Dalston moved, as an amendment to the motion in the name of Baroness Verma, to insert at the end "but that this House regrets that the Government have seriously weakened the Regulations, making it more difficult to hold public bodies to account; and calls on the Government to withdraw the Regulations and re-lay the earlier version published in January which required public bodies to publish information on equality analyses they have undertaken, to set objectives designed to facilitate compliance with the General Equality Duty and publish information about the engagement they have had with affected groups when developing these objectives, and to report annually on progress towards meeting these objectives, all of which is critical to ensuring that the General Equality Duty produces tangible and positive outcomes." The amendment was disagreed to (see division list 2). Then the original motion was agreed to.
9 Scotland Bill Lord Wallace of Tankerness moved that the bill be now read a second time. After debate, the motion was agreed to and the bill was committed to a Committee of the Whole House.
The House adjourned at 1.17am on Wednesday 7 September until 3.00pm the same day.
Grand Committee Business
The Grand Committee met in the Moses Room at 3.30pm.
Armed Forces Bill The Grand Committee considered the bill. The Committee adjourned after clause 23 was agreed to.
Related Index Items
Armed Forces Bill > GC, 6 SepThe Committee adjourned at 7.44pm.