Session 2012-13 Volume 245
Journal for 18 December 2012
Prayers were read by the Lord Bishop of Lichfield.
Select Committee Reports
1 Secondary Legislation Scrutiny
The 20th Report from the Select Committee was made and ordered to be printed. (HL Paper 95)
Administration and Works
The following Report from the Select Committee was made and ordered to be printed:
Press Conferences in the House. (1st Report, HL Paper 96) (See Appendix)
European Union
The following Report from the Select Committee was made and ordered to be printed:
Subsidiarity assessment: Gender Balance on Boards. (9th Report, HL Paper 97)
Private Business
4 Private Bills The Examiners certified that the Standing Orders which are applicable to the petitions for the following bills have been complied with:
Hertfordshire County Council (Filming on Highways) Bill;
Humber Bridge Bill.
Public Business
5 National Lottery A question was asked by Lord Naseby and answered by Viscount Younger of Leckie.
6 Mali A question was asked by Lord Risby and answered by Lord Wallace of Saltaire.
7 Syria: humanitarian aid A question was asked by Lord Selkirk of Douglas and answered by Baroness Northover.
8 Banks: money-laundering A question was asked by Baroness Williams of Crosby and answered by Lord Sassoon.
9 Growth and Infrastructure Bill A bill to make provision in connection with facilitating or controlling the following, namely, the provision or use of infrastructure, the carrying-out of development, and the compulsory acquisition of land; to make provision about when rating lists are to be compiled; to make provision about the rights of employees of companies who agree to be employee owners; and for connected purposes was brought from the Commons. It was read a first time and ordered to be printed. (HL Bill 72)
10 Growth and Infrastructure Bill The Explanatory Notes on the bill were ordered to be printed. (HL Bill 72–EN)
11 Prevention of Social Housing Fraud Bill The order of commitment was discharged.
12 Crime and Courts Bill [HL] The bill was read a third time. Amendments 2 and 9 were agreed to (see divisions 1 and 2). An amendment was agreed to and a privilege amendment was agreed to. Then the bill was passed and sent to the Commons.
Related Index Items
Crime and Courts Bill [HL] > 3a, passed, sent HC, 18 Dec (2 divs)13 Small Charitable Donations Bill Lord Newby moved that the bill be now read a second time. After debate, the motion was agreed to and the Committee was negatived. Then, Standing Order 46 having been dispensed with, the bill was read a third time and passed.
The House adjourned at 8.05pm until Wednesday 19 December at 11.00am.
Grand Committee Business
The Grand Committee met in the Moses Room at 3.30pm.
Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill The Grand Committee further considered the bill, beginning with amendment 24C. Amendments were agreed to. The Committee adjourned after clause 50 was agreed to.
The Committee adjourned at 7.05pm.