Session 2010-12 Volume 244
Journal for 13 December 2011
All statutory instruments laid before the House are accompanied by an Explanatory Memorandum presented by command of Her Majesty, unless otherwise indicated.
Command Papers
The following papers were presented to the House by command of Her Majesty:
1 Law Commission—Report of the Scottish Law Commission on Criminal Liability of Partnerships. () (8238)
2 Recall of MPs—Recall of MPs: Government proposals and draft Bill. () (8241)
3 International Development—(1) Amendment of the Agreement Establishing the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in order to enable the Bank to operate in the Countries of the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean (Resolution No. 137). () (8248)(2) Amendment of the Agreement Establishing the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in order to allow the use of Special Funds in Recipient Countries and Potential Recipient Countries (Resolution No. 138). () (8249)
Negative Instruments
The following instruments were laid before the House:
1 Charges for Residues Surveillance (Amendment) Regulations 2011, laid under the Food Safety Act 1990. (2945)
2 Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Primary Dental Services, Private Ambulance Services and Primary Medical Services) (Regulated Activities) (Transitory and Transitional Provisions) (Amendment) Order 2011, laid under the Health and Social Care Act 2008. (2948)
3 Income-related Benefits (Subsidy to Authorities) Amendment Order 2011, laid under the Social Security Administration Act 1992. (2957)
4 Eels (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2011, laid under the European Communities Act 1972. (2976)
Related Index Items
European Communities Act 1972 > Papers (per Act): > 13 DecPapers not subject to Parliamentary Proceedings
The following papers were laid before the House:
1 Immigration (Designation of Travel Bans) (Amendment No. 7) Order 2011, laid under the Immigration Act 1971. (2930)
2 Report for the period 1 May 2010–30 April 2011 on the Export of Objects of Cultural Interest, laid under the Export Control Act 2002.
3 Report of the Law Commission on Intestacy and Family Provision Claims on Death, laid under the Law Commissions Act 1965.
4 Report for 2009 on the operation of the Treasure Act 1996, laid under theTreasure Act 1996.